piątek, 23 listopada 2012

Atak na Gazę - bilans ostatnich dni

Jak  do tej pory już 165 osób zabitych, ponad 1200 zabitych, to wynik trwających zaledwie kilka dni izraelskich ataków na Gazę. Wśród ofiar są kobiety i dzieci,.

Raport z 22 listopada:

Date of report Thursday 2012/11/22 
Time of report 17:00
The total number of officially registered victims till this hour is 1434 
(165 martyrs and 1269 wounded) distributed as follows:

The total number of martyrs 161 ( 139 male , 22 female )

Date Daily No. Cum. No.
14/11/2012 8 8
15/11/2012 11 19
16/11/2012 12 31
17/11/2012 16 47
18/11/2012 24 71
19/11/2012 37 108
20/11/2012 29 137
21/11/2012 28** 165
Total 165
** تم انتشال جثمان رجل وطفلة من عائلة الدلو مساء22/11
The total number of wounded 1269 ( 911 male , 358 female )

Date Daily No. Cum. No.
14/11/2012 125 125
15/11/2012 118 243
16/11/2012 74 317
17/11/2012 188 505
18/11/2012 167 672
19/11/2012 220 892
20/11/2012 240 1132
21/11/2012 137 1269
Total 1269

Made in Poland (2011) CAŁY FILM

piątek, 16 listopada 2012

Gaza under attack (16-11-2012)

16-11-2012, 08:30 | Gaza Strip: After more than 40 hours of attacking Gaza Strip, more than 300 air-land-sea Strikes killing 19 Palestinians ,8 of them are kids and at least 4 women and 3 old-men, and more than 190 injuries most of them are civilians and kids... and the attacks continue ..!

بعد 40 ساعة متواصلة من الاعتداء الهمجي الصهيوني على قطاع غزة ،أكثر من 300 غارة من البر والبحر والجو مخلفة 19 شهيداً 8منهم أطفال وعدد من المسنين والنساء، إضافة الى أكثر من 190 جريح معظمهم مدنيين وبالاخص أطفال .. والعدوان مستمر ..!

wtorek, 13 listopada 2012

Dronestagram: the locations behind America's secret drone war

Instagram becomes Dronestagram

These are the names of places. They are towns, villages, junctions and roads. They are the names of places where people live and work, where there are families and schools. They are the names of places linked by one thing: they have each been the location of drone strikes in the past couple of months.
