niedziela, 15 maja 2011

NAKBA DAY 15th May 2011 in Palestine ... NEWS

Israeli forces Sunday injured 18 Palestinians as Israeli fighter jets raided areas in the Beit Hanoun, north of the Gaza Strip.

Israeli forces have reportedly attacked anti-Israeli protesters in Tel Aviv-occupied Syrian Golan Heights, killing at least 12 people and wounding dozens of others.

In protests against Israeli settlement expansion in the Silwan and Ras al-Amud neighborhoods of East Jerusalem Friday, Israeli police assaulted demonstrators with rubber-coated steel bullets and tear gas, abducting 34 and shooting a 17-year old with live ammunition.

GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — An unidentified 18-year-old was killed and 82 others injured by Israeli fire during a march of Palestinians in Gaza toward the separation fence and Erez border with Israel on Sunday.

Israeli troops have launched attacks on many rallies held across the Middle East in protest at the establishment of the Israeli regime 63 years ago, killing dozens of people.

JERUSALEM (AFP) — As many as eight were said killed by Israeli fire in incidents on the Syrian and Lebanese borders on Sunday, as Palestinians marked the 63rd anniversary of the expulsion from their homes.

GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — An unidentified 18-year-old was killed and 82 others injured by Israeli fire during a march of Palestinians in Gaza toward the separation fence and Erez border with Israel on Sunday.

At least 10 Palestinian protesters were killed on Sunday after Israeli forces fired at a demonstration near the Lebanese-Israeli border to disperse a pro-Palestinian protest, Lebanese security sources said,7340,L-4069012,00.html

60 injured by shells and machine guns in Gaza march to Erez crossing..

Israeli border clashes kill 15 on Palestinian protest day

Israeli troops have launched attacks on many rallies held across the Middle East in protest at the establishment of the Israeli regime 63 years ago, killing dozens of people.

NAKBA 15.05. 2011 Izraelscy żołnierze strzelają do Palestyńczyków w Gazie - Israeli troops fire at Palestinians

Palestyńskie flagi w Tel-Avivie pierwszy raz od 1948 roku

For the first time from 1948, Palestinian Flags in Tel-Aviv
أعلام فلسطين ترفرف في سماء تل أبيب لأول مرة منذ 1948

Amerykanie używali białego fosforu w Afganistanie

White phosphorous used in Afghan war

source in english :

US-led forces in Afghanistan have made extensive use of white phosphorus bombs in densely-populated areas.

White phosphorus is a substance that burns upon coming into contact with human flesh; it sticks to the skin and continues to burn as long as there is oxygen. The result is severe and possibly lethal chemical burns.

(read more in english)

Wojska amerykańskie używały białego fosforu w gęsto zaludnionych obszarach Afganistanu. Jest to niezgodne z międzynarodowymi konwencjami.

Biały fosfor jest substancją, która pali się od wejścia w kontakt z ludzkim ciałem, przykleja się do skóry i pali tak długo, jak długo ma dostęp tlenu. Rezultatem są ciężki i ewentualnie śmiertelne oparzenia chemiczne.

Amnesty International wzywa do przeprowadzenia śledztwa.